Psychotherapy is collaboration between a psychotherapist and a client (individual, couple, family or group) The purpose of therapy is to enter into a therapeutic journey in a safe and trusting environment where it is possible to deal with issues of a traumatic or psychological nature.
Building the inner strength and facing the trauma and distress of the past, present and anticipated future, the therapist and client are able to rewire, challenge and learn to deal with the life challenges that brought about the search for therapy.
Psychotherapy provides a safe, unbiased and confidential relationship with a trained professional to assess, understand and treat psychological distress, while also providing the opportunity to adjust and release unhealthy habits. Within a space of safety, psychotherapy can facilitate a heightened awareness and a sense of accountability that can add meaning and a sense of purpose to everyday life.
Therapist Toolkit
Timo likes to follow where curiosity leads, striving to help his clients apply their own curiosity in solving the simple puzzles and big mysteries that make up the lives of all of us. He believes that each of us has the capacity to be happy and fulfilled, both in our individual roles and as part of relationships, and especially the relationship with our primary life partners. However, sometimes complications happen and we lose track. His approach is to work as a guest partner in the therapeutic relationship, rediscovering and restoring these unique capacities together.
We call him “Doc Timo” as he exemplifies life-long learning and growth.
Tools in his toolkit include:
- Brain Working Recursive Therapy (BWRT®)
- Rational Emotive Therapy (RET®)
- Behaviour Therapy
- Person Centred Therapy
- Reality Therapy (RT®)
- Gestalt Therapy
- Solution Focus Therapy – SFT® – Informed
- Internal Family Systems – IFS® – Informed

About the Therapist
Timo is a seasoned Clinical Psychologist with over 40 years experience. He started his career in the training environment of the University of Stellenbosch, both in the Faculty of Psychology and at the Medical school. Over the years, his career diverged to Organisational Psychology and beyond. In recent years, he’s found a passion for individual and couples therapy.
Timo holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Stellenbosch. He enjoys spending time with his three daughters and grandson (who has already learned to warm granddad’s heart on WhatsApp video chats). When he’s not helping clients, he loves to potter around the house, installing irrigation, security cams, treehouses and whatever grabs his fancy.
“Timo is not only exceptionally well qualified, but he also has the rare quality to intellectually understand a situation down to the deepest levels. This is extremely helpful in both formulating a proper diagnosis as well as structuring a therapeutic plan. Timo wraps this in an informal and personal style which brings a relaxed focus to therapy.”
“Toe ek die eerste keer vir Dr Kriel besoek het was ek geweldig angstig oor hoe hy my sou ontvang. Ek was bekommerd dat hy my as n swakkeling sou beskou(in die SA gemeenskap het n ‘ware’ man mos nie sielkundige hulp nodig nie) Maar binne vyf minute get Dr Kriel my heeltemal op my gemak laat voel en het ek vry gevoel om enigiets met hom te bespreek. Dr Kriel besit die vermoe’ om jou te laat voel dat enigiets wat jou pla vir hom belangrik is want hy luister aandagtig sonder enige kritiek. Ek kan net my innige dank aan Timo betuig want sonder sy hulp sou ek vandag nog n’ senuwrak gewees het. Weereens baie dankie vir jou empatie Timo.”
“Dr Timo has made my return to therapy worthwhile and comfortable. Our sessions have been beneficial. I know I’m in safe hands.”
“I really appreciated Timo’s quick insight and understanding in the challenge I was facing when we first met. I really appreciate how quickly Timo always responded to my messages. I appreciated Timo walking the extra mile with me in what I was facing.”
“So ek het ‘n redelike angs probleem en ek en Dr Timo het met dit begin werk en a.g.v. hom is dit besig om beter te word, my lewe is besig om meer gesellig te word, hy is regtig goed met wat hy doen, ek sal hom aanbeveel.”
Treatment is tailored to meet the specific needs of each individual. Medical Aid as well as Private Rates apply. We also apply for Prescribed Minimum Benefits (PMB) where applicable. Our practice is contracted in to Medical Aids. We submit claims to the medical aid on your behalf. The private fee can be paid in cash or via EFT.
Sessions are in English or Afrikaans.